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CUAMBA Planning Community Radio
Economic, Financial and Rural Development Reporting

Media Training Materials

Media Mushrooming in Mozambique

  More than 130 media, of these 91 actively on the street and on the air, have been the focus of the in-depth ‘Media Pluralism Landscape’ study carried out by the UNESCO Media Development Project from April to July. A team of 15 researchers and technical specialists have visited all the provinces of the country under the supervision of our Senior Researcher and Research Coordinator Marie-Hélène Bonin, Head of the Department of External Projects at the Nordic SADC Journalism Center.

The study has as such worked with assessments of daily as well as weekly, fortnightly and monthly newspapers, newsletters and magazines; public as well as commercial, religious and community radio stations; public as well as private TV stations; and finally electronic media. The in-depth study of all of these different media has been carried out with four main objectives:

  ·     to identify all media initiatives in the covering questions of ownership, target audience, circulation/transmission capacity, staffing, management, financial situation as well as some 100 additional questions;

·     to assess the human capacity of the media among others through profiles provided by media managers;

·     to assess the technical capacity of the media among others through the assessment by the media managers as well as through technical studies carried out;

·     to prepare a ‘media pluralism map’ of the country providing information on which media are received where – providing at the same time an assessment of where very few or no media are received.

  The core report is kept neutral, respecting the agreed confidentiality of the oftentimes sensitive information provided by the media for the study, providing trends and recommendations.

A separate media directory will therefore also be brought out independently, presenting each medium - already active – individually, including replies to more than 40 core questions. Finally, a separate technical report has been produced on the radio stations.

  With core project mandates to assist in the decentralization of the media, the ever-increasing independence of the media and the pluralism and diversity of the media, the ‘Media Pluralism Landscape’ study will be an important tool for the project management. Together with its advisory committees UNESCO will base a number of important decisions on this report.

  The report will be released once presented formally to the project’s Project Monitoring Committee on August 19.

CUAMBA Planning Community Radio

  July 27 a room packed of citizens of Cuamba vowed to work for the creation of a community radio, and elected a representative 14 member ‘preparation committee’.

  Once elected by the committee, its president and vice-president called the first meeting of the committee, which agreed to work for having the ‘Radio Cuamba Association’ legally registered by September.

  When the association is a reality, it will prepare a strategic plan for the important preparatory process including a com-munity mobilizing plan, a training plan, and economic viability assessments.

  The above development was the culmination of a three week intense preparatory process, getting contact with all important civil society actors in Cuamba.

  During the week leading up to the July 27 meeting, the Media Project conducted separate consultations with different segments of the community including local and international NGOs, Women’s associations, religious groups, traditional chiefs (regalos), the Cuamba Mayor and  Administrator, and political parties.

  Showing a firm commitment to ensure a strong and widely representative community organization to carry the development of their new medium, the community agreed that preparatory and management committees would be made up by persons as individuals, not as representatives of political parties, specific religions or other organizations.
It was furthermore decided that persons holding official and public positions, would not be eligible for election.

  With the above in place the Community Radio pilot phase of the Media Development Project moves into a new phase of actual preparation of the first station of the three pilot sites selected: Cuamba in the north, Homoine in the south and Marromeu in the centre of the country.

  Economic, Financial and Rural Development Reporting

  July 25 – August 6 the final of three training courses takes place on the above subject for journalists from the northern part of the country.

The 18 journalists meeting in Nampula will as a final result of the training course produce two newspapers using the methodologies and approaches learnt.

  Media Training Materials

  Having finalized the cycle of three Media Project training courses on ‘Democracy, Governance and Human Rights Reporting’, the Media Project has decided to find ways of making the training materials available for others working with training of journalists.

  Whether the materials will be turned into a package of reference materials, or whether it will actually be possible to prepare a more fully-fledged training package, will be decided in a meeting of the course monitors, the NSJ and UNESCO at the project office in August.

Media Development Project c/o UNESCO, P.O.Box 1397 Maputo, Mozambique
Tel. + 258.1. 498752/ 490840 Fax +258.1.498717
E-mail: unesco@mediamoz.com