I s s u e  6   -   S E P T E M B E R,  1 9 9 9

Communication Centres for the Independent Media
Media Project Training Courses get high evaluation rates…
…And expose the very high gender unbalance within the media
 Reporting for Radio   


In another major move on to a new phase for further support to the emerging independent media in the country, the UNESCO Media Development Project is about to initiate a process for establishment of three “ Communication Centers” for use by the independent press.

This important decision represents the very first stage of implementation of the recommendations coming out of the large national “ Media Pluralism Landscape” study, released by the Project Monitoring Committee in its meeting of August 19 in Maputo.

The three integrated communication centers, to be established in an experimental basis in three provincial capitals, will cater for a number of the needs expressed by the independent media during the research phase as well as towards the Project Management Team in consultation with the sector: access to equipment, access to internet and e-mail as well as small scale printing facilities.

The independent media strongly welcomed the announcement of the decision, made in a press conference organized in Maputo for the public presentation of the results and recommendations of the study.

The creation of these centers results originally from the project document’s immediate objective 8, which advises for the establishment of “editorial teams and newsrooms in three provincial capital” and the provision of “material and other equipment resources to independent media”

Bearing in mind this specific objective, the study recommended that emerging the concepts of newsrooms, media resource centers, Internet Cafes and Telecentes, the Communications Centers would serve better the interests of the independent press.

Capital issues to be discussed include the management of the Communication Centers, sustainability potential, equipment maintenance and repair, among other.

The meeting is scheduled for September 16 in Maputo.

Media Project Training Courses get high evaluation rates…

  “Very Good” is how more than 65% of the journalists and editors who attended the Media Development Project’s training activities over the last 12 months evaluated the quality level of the courses.

More than 150 journalists, editors and media managers attended the Media Project’s nine training courses organized regionally throughout the country since October 98.

Organized in collaboration with the Nordic-SADC Journalism Center in Maputo, the two-week courses covered three main subjects: Reporting on Democracy and Human Rights; Economic, Financial and Rural Development Reporting and “Starting a newspaper”.

The two last courses, took place in July and August, in Nampula and Pequenos Libombos (Maputo) respectively.

And expose the very high gender unbalance within the media

Participation percentages between male and female journalists again confirm the prevailing high unbalance in the media sector: a total of just 29 female participants (21%) against 124 male colleagues (79%),

In spite of continuous mobilization and encouragement efforts from the project for women journalists to apply for the courses.

Judging from our course records, female media practitioners presence tend to be

weaker and sporadic as we are progressing from junior positions to the most senior ones, as fewer female than man professionals are properly trained.

The Media Pluralism Landscape study indicates that across all sectors and Provinces, including employed staff, volunteers and freelancers, women represent in average 25% of all media personnel

Reporting for Radio  

Towards the end of September a special course on “Elections Reporting” will be organized in Maputo, for editors and sub-editors from Radio Mozambique Public station.


Originally, and as foreseen in the Project Document, the plan was to organize “two training courses for editorial staff working on public service radio and community radio on news and current affairs production and dissemination”.


But given the particular specificity of two types of broadcast media, a final decision was taken for the project to organize separate courses, with different approaches and contents.


A training course on “Reporting for Community Radio is foreseen for February 2000

Media Development Project c/o UNESCO, P.O.Box 1397 Maputo, Mozambique
Tel. + 258.1. 498752/ 490840 Fax +258.1.498717
E-mail: unesco@mediamoz.com